What are good Python-based options to create strictly designed PDF reports from HTML?
I've attached a draft PDF to illustrate the following points:
It looks as if there was already a good amount of very diverse packages facilitating reporting. Just to name a few, there are xhtml2pdf, weasyprint, django-wkhtmltopdf.
In my experience, it’s easy with these tools to create a PDF from your content. The hard part comes when the PDF needs to fall into a highly-defined design structure as in our case. Unfortunately, I was not able to find example PDFs for the different PDF generation packages that have a highly designed structure.
What is your experience with this? Which options worked well for you? Are there well done complex examples that I’ve overlooked?
You can see this Python package: weasyprint
Web page: http://weasyprint.org/
Official doc: http://weasyprint.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
It's great, because you can generate the PDF from a web page or an html file, you can have conflicts with some CSS (which are specified in the documentation), but it provides what you need