I am writing a component and this is the main class with the most important pieces of code:
TEquationSolver = class(TComponent)
FSolver: TSolverType;
property RootFindAlgorithm: TSolverType read FSolver write FSolver;
In the uses clauses I've added Equation
because inside Equation.pas
I have declared this kind of enum:
TSolverType = (TNewtonRaphson = 0, TSecant, TBisection, TBrent);
In this way I am able to have in the IDE an option in the Object Inspector with a dropdown menu.
I have installed the component and while I was testing I've found this problem:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
EquationSolver1.RootFindAlgorithm := TSolverType.Secant;
The error is the following:
[dcc32 Error] Unit1.pas(29): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'TSolverType'
My question is very simple: why?
In the Unit where I am running the test (simple VCL form) there is the component with its uses included and so I am able to "see" TEquationSolver
. As you can see at the top inside the unit of TEquationSolver I have included Equation
and the latter has TSolverType.
The situation is the following:
Do I have to add something under the uses
somewhere? I don't want to add stuff to the uses
of Unit1.
If you want to make TSolverType
visible to a unit (eg a Form), you must tell that unit where TSolverType
is defined. That is part of how Delphi works.
Therefore, you have to either:
include Equation
in the uses
clause of the unit where you want to us the definition (eg the Form's unit)
include TSolverType
in your component's unit
hide the property (eg by making it private
or protected
Delphi does not support implied definitions in the way you hope.