I am aware of the nature of floating point math but I still find the following surprising:
from fractions import Fraction
print(Fraction(0.2)) # -> 3602879701896397/18014398509481984
print(Fraction(str(0.2))) # -> 1/5
print(Fraction(0.2)==Fraction(str(0.2))) # returns False
print(0.2 == float(str(0.2))) # but this returns True!
From the documentation I could not find anything that would explain that. It does state:
...In addition, any string that represents a finite value and is accepted by the float constructor is also accepted by the Fraction constructor...
but to me this implies a similar behavior to float()
which I just do not see as shown above.
It is important to note that the behavior shown above is not specific to the value (0.2
) but rather general; everything I tried behaved the same way.
Interestingly enough:
from fractions import Fraction
for x in range(1, 257):
if Fraction(str(1/x))==Fraction(1/x):
prints only the powers of 2 that are smaller than the selected upper bound:
Have a look at the def __new__():
implementation in fractions.py, if a string is given:
( see link if you are interested in the parsing part) puts out numerator
as 0
and decimal
as 2
Start quote from fractions.py source, with comments by me
elif isinstance(numerator, str):
# Handle construction from strings.
m = _RATIONAL_FORMAT.match(numerator)
if m is None:
raise ValueError('Invalid literal for Fraction: %r' %
numerator = int(m.group('num') or '0') # 0
denom = m.group('denom')
if denom: # not true for your case
denominator = int(denom)
else: # we are here
denominator = 1
decimal = m.group('decimal') # yep: 2
if decimal:
scale = 10**len(decimal) # thats 10^1
numerator = numerator * scale + int(decimal) # thats 0 * 10^1+0 = 10
denominator *= scale # thats 1*2
exp = m.group('exp')
if exp: # false
exp = int(exp)
if exp >= 0:
numerator *= 10**exp
denominator *= 10**-exp
if m.group('sign') == '-': # false
numerator = -numerator
raise TypeError("argument should be a string "
"or a Rational instance")
end quote from source
So '0.2'
is parsed to 2 / 10 = 0.2
exactly, not its nearest float approximation wich my calculater puts out at 0,20000000000000001110223024625157
Quintessential: they are not simply using float( yourstring )
but are parsing and calculating the string itself, that is why both differ.
If you use the same constructor and provide a float
or decimal
the constructor uses the builtin as_integer_ratio()
to get numerator and denominator as representation of that number.
The closest the float representation comes to 0.2 is 0,20000000000000001110223024625157 which is exactly what the as_integer_ratio()
method returns nominator and denominator for.
As eric-postpischil
and mark-dickinson pointed out, this float value is limited by its binary representations to "close to 0.2". When put into str()
will be truncated to exact '0.2'
- hence the differences between
print(Fraction(0.2)) # -> 3602879701896397/18014398509481984
print(Fraction(str(0.2))) # -> 1/5