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After call pg_restore I can not access the database through pgpool2

I wrote script for daily backup DB. Simply steps:

  1. dump
pg_dump -Fc --blobs --section pre-data --section data --section post-data --encoding UTF8 --verbose -h localhost -p 5433 -U username DB -f /home/db.backup
  1. drop and create daily DB
psql -h localhost -p 5433 -U username -At -d DB -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS DBdaily;"
psql -h localhost -p 5433 -U username -At -d DB -c "CREATE DATABASE DBdaily;"
  1. restore DB
pg_restore -d DBdaily -h localhost -p 5433 -U username /home/db.backup

If I want to access to DBdaily by pgadmin I get an error: enter image description here

I testing access to DBdaily after DROP and CREATE and it's working, but after pg_restore not working. This error means something with backend, but I don't know how can I resolve it.

Version of pgpool2 is 3.6.7, postgresql is 9.4.


  • When I used pgAdmin version 4 everything works. Problem is in pgAdmin version 3, I think.