I need to split my associative array into bunches of not greater than 50 in each bunch. Multiple elements may be pushed into a given group to ensure that a group reaches 50 before starting a new group.
Sample input:
$array = [
'5' => 142,
'2' => 57,
'18' => 37
Desired result:
['5' => 50],
['5' => 50],
['5' => 42, '2' => 8],
['2' => 49, '18' => 1],
['18' => 36],
just mind games
$line = [];
// Invert array
foreach($arr as $k=>$v) {
$line = array_merge($line, array_fill(0, $v, $k));
// Split and count occurrences
$res = array_map('array_count_values', array_chunk($line, 50));