I have a gridview in an updatepanel with sorting enabled and an event handler as follows:
protected void MyGridSort(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
var TheDirection = (e.SortDirection).ToString();
var TheColumn = (e.SortExpression).ToString();
I put a breakpoint just after these lines. Every time I press the column header, my variable TheDirection is always showing Ascending.
Why is it not toggling from ascending to descending and back?
You could keep the direction in the ViewState or the Session. Like this (Untested Code):
protected void MyGridSort(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
var TheDirection = (e.SortDirection).ToString();
var TheColumn = (e.SortExpression).ToString();
string prevColumn = "", prevDirection = "";
if (Session["MyGridSortColumn"] != null)
prevColumn = Session["MyGridSortColumn"].ToString();
if (Session["MyGridSortDirection"] != null)
prevDirection = Session["MyGridSortDirection"].ToString();
if (TheColumn == prevColumn) {
if (prevDirection == "ASC")
TheDirection = "DESC";
TheDirection = "ASC";
Session["MyGridSortDirection"] = TheDirection;
Session["MyGridSortColumn"] = TheColumn;