I have a code piece to run through a list of elements in an array (mysql hosts to be precise) and the task is to iterate through each element in the array - connect to mysql using the element(hostname), run a query against it and have the results in a json.
The result for the last element is not captured in the final array, while the others are.
Below are the config array and snippet
Config :
config.mysql.list = ['host1', 'host2', 'host3' , 'host1'];
The hostname can be repeated. The count of result objects in the response should be equivalent to the number of elements in the array.
const config = require('../../config.js');
//For RESTful API
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const promise=require('bluebird');
//For MySQL connection
const mysql = require('mysql');
//Home page venue type wise breakup
// Some vars
let arrStatus =[];
// Build the connection
function getConnection(serverHost){
// Setup the MySQL connection
let connection = mysql.createConnection({
host : serverHost,
user : config.mysql.user,
password : config.mysql.password,
database : config.mysql.database
// <- note the second return
return connection.connectAsync().return(connection);
promise.each(config.mysql.list,function(serverHost) {
//Create connection
return getConnection(serverHost).then(function(conn){
// Slave status
let qry = 'SELECT * FROM tableName limit 1';
// Response ?
let strresponse = JSON.stringify(rows);
let jsonresponse = JSON.parse(strresponse);
// Emit the response
let respErr = JSON.parse(err.error);
//Export routes
module.exports = router;
A bit confused as to what I am really missing in the code snippet.
Put return in front of conn.queryAsync(qry). You need to return the promise returned from conn.queryAsync. Hope this helps.