I'm doing a .net core web api using mongodb driver to access my database.
I have this document's structure
"_id" : 1,
"ParticipantIdentities" : [
"ParticipantId" : 1,
"Player" : {
"AccountId" : 45678945,
"AnotherProps" :"values"
[Another arrays items]
I want to fiter using object.ParticipantIdentities.Player.AccountId
I tried this way
var filter = Builders<Match>.Filter.Where(e => e.ParticipantIdentities.Where(p => p.Player.AccountId == AccountId).Count() > 1);
var result = await _context.Matches.Find(filter).ToListAsync();
And it threw an exception saying the .Count() is not supported. I'm noob with mongodb queries yet.
Thanks in advance.
All you need to do is
var filter = Builders<Match>.Filter.Eq("ParticipantIdentities.Player.AccountId", accountId);