I've always wondered about whether or not you can carriage return and flush a write statement in Fortran. In Python/C++ you can '/r'
then flush the stream.
How can I do this in Fortran?
A carriage-return is inserted by default at the end of a write statement, or explicitly using the ADVANCE specifier:
write(unit , '(A)') 'Hello World'
write(unit , '(A)' , ADVANCE = 'YES') 'Hello World'
write(unit , '(A)' , ADVANCE = 'YES') '-'
The result of the preceding three statements is:
Hello World
Hello World
Alternatively, the carriage-return may be suppressed by specifying ADVANCE='NO':
write(unit , '(A)' , ADVANCE = 'NO') 'Hello World'
write(unit , '(A)' , ADVANCE = 'NO') 'Hello World'
write(unit , '(A)' , ADVANCE = 'NO') '-'
Which yields:
Hello WorldHello World-
To flush in Fortran90, close the file and reopen. Specific compilers and/or newer versions of the Fortran standard offer FLUSH as an intrinsic, but closing the file will always have the effect of flushing regardless of your Fortran version.