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Print the message of a git tag

I need a git command that would output only the message of a given annotated tag. It's almost possible with git tag -ln:

$ git tag -ln v1.3.7
v1.3.7          Here be annotations

It's just that I don't want the tag and whitespace in the beginning, and throwing a regex at this feels like overkill. Is there any built-in flag i could use? I'm using git version

Some of the answers at Print commit message of a given commit in git use git show --format=%B. I can't seem to restrict output to only the message, neither for commits or tags.


  • I'm not sure what version of git this requires, but with recent versions you can also do:

    git tag -l --format='%(contents)' <tag name>


    git for-each-ref --format='%(contents)' refs/tags/<tag name>

    to get only the tag message by itself, where latter one is some like the base command without --sort=-version:refname.