I would like to count the number of times a country is listed alone and the times is listed with some other country.
This is a section of MY DATASET:
name_countries n_countries
China 1
China 1
Usa 1
Usa 1
China France 2
China France 2
India 1
India 1
Jordan Germany 2
I have used the following code to extract the number of times each country appears.
publication_countries <- address_countries2 %>%
select(name_countries, n_countries) %>%
unnest_tokens(word, name_countries) %>%
group_by(word) %>%
summarise(TP = n())
# A tibble: 6 x 2
word TP
<chr> <int>
1 China 4
2 Usa 2
3 France 2
4 India 2
5 Jordan 1
6 Germany 1
I would like to create a new column with the number of rows a country is listed on its own, as well as a second column with the number of times a country is listed with other countries.
DESIRED OUTPUT Something like this:
# A tibble: 6 x 2
word TP single_times with_other_countries
<chr> <int> <int> <int>
1 China 4 2 2
2 Usa 2 2 0
3 France 2 0 2
4 India 2 2 0
5 Jordan 1 0 1
6 Germany 1 0 1
From this link I have seen a possible way to summarise with condition, however, in my case I would need to use something different than sum(), as my conditional object is in form of character (column word).
summarise(TP = n() , IP = count(word[n_countries=="1"]))
But I get this error:
Error in summarise_impl(.data, dots) :
Evaluation error: no applicable method for 'groups' applied to an object of class "character"
Please any help would be appreciated :)
Many thanks
select(name_countries, n_countries) %>%
unnest_tokens(word, name_countries) %>%
# A tibble: 6 x 4
# Groups: word [6]
word TP `1` `2`
* <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1 china 4 2 2
2 france 2 0 2
3 germany 1 0 1
4 india 2 2 0
5 jordan 1 0 1
6 usa 2 2 0