I want to install a package via pipenv or pip + virtualenv from a private, ssh accessed, remote repository. While cloning works:
git clone git@remoteurl:username/package.git
directly installing doesn't:
pip install git+ssh://git@remoteurl:username/package.git
and outputs the following error:
ssh: Could not resolve hostname remoteurl:username: Name or service not known
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
I tried pip+virtualenv and pipenv, neither works. I also tried several variations of the url like the following:
pip install git@remoteurl:username/package.git
pip install git+git@remoteurl:username/package.git
pip install git+remoteurl:username/package.git
pip install git+ssh://remoteurl:username/package.git
all of them produce the same error given above. What am I doing wrong here?
That's the wrong syntax for that kind of URLs.
Git understands two syntaxes of SSH URLs:
So, try:
$ pip install git+ssh://git@remoteurl/username/package.git