I have an XPage where I find all children documents using view through key(first column) with method called getAllDocumentsByKey
method. As a key I use UNID of a parent. But now I have another parameter called ChildType which can either be equal 'Before' or 'After'. So I've tried to solve it like this:
var childType = viewScope['currentChildType']
var parameters = [parentDoc.getUniversalID(), childType]
But it doesn't work(Vector is not a correct object). When I try to find all children with this:
It works so well.
My view has 5 columns - 0th is parentDocID and the last one is childType. How can I make it find with 2 params, instead of 1?
You are creating an array but the method getAllDocumentsByKey() expects a Vector
var parameters = new java.util.Vector();