I am currently learning about @ngrx/store
and I am running into a strange situation that I need some help on.
I have created a simple store, with an inital value. I installed the Redux Devtools and that shows me the initialState:
app: {
products: {
data: [
loaded: false,
loading: false
However, when I try to console.log
that state I get this error:
TypeError: computedStates[currentStateIndex] is undefined
This is my code for logging the state:
constructor(private store: Store<AppState>) { }
ngOnInit(): void {
this.store.select<any>('app').subscribe(state => console.log(state));
Any pointers in the direction where I should be looking are welcome.
Update When I disable the StoreDevtoolsModule in my Module imports, the error disappears. This line:
However, off course now the Redux Devtools don't work anymore! So, how can I get the application and the Devtools working?
You are running into an issue with Angular 5 and the Redux Devtools. It is currently under investigation here:
The only confirmed workaround at the moment is downgrading to Angular 4.