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Strange folding in Vim when there's a { and a } on the same line.&*

I am currently editing a C++ file with twp function similar to

int func_name_1(int param) {

int func_name_2(int param) {

   STRUCT_TYPE s = {5, 8, 10, 12};

If I do a zc on the word func_name_1, vim folds the function, as expected, so that it now looks like

int func_name_1(int param) {--------------------

On func_name_2 however, the function is folded like so:

int func_name_2(int param) {---------------------

which is not exactly what I want. For some reason the opening and closing {} on one line seem to disturb the folding algortithm.

If someone knows how I can get a "better" folding, I'd appreciate any hinter into the right direction.

Edit the options that I believe are relevant for this problem are set in my buffer like so

set foldmarker={,}
set foldmethod=marker
set foldtext=getline(v:foldstart)

Edit II: If I change the line with the opening and closing {...} to STRUCT_TYPE s = { 5, 8, 10, 12}; (Note the space after the {), then the folding works as expected.


  • Oh.... I see....

    :help fold-marker tells me: Markers can have a level included [..] The following number specifies the fold level

    So, the 5 immediatly after the { specified the fold level, which messed things up.