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using gauges in ionic 3

I am doing a project in Ionic 3 and need to use a gauge in it.

The examples are of ionic 2 and it is difficult to understand and integrate it. Can anyone please explain how to resolve this issue? If anyone has a working gauge can you please share the code. It'll be helpful for everyone.


  • You can use highcharts gauge.

    I have pretty complex one. It has both guage and pie. In other words custom component. But you can easily get the idea using that Fiddler.

    Note: I have put my working code here.Please adjust as you wish.

    Since you're using Ionic3/ Angular you can use these npm packages:

    npm i highcharts - -save
    npm i highcharts-more - -save
    npm i highcharts-solid-gauge  - - save


     <div [id]="data?.chartId" class="my-chart"></div>


    import * as HighCharts from 'highcharts';
    import HighchartsMore from 'highcharts-more';
    showChart(totalOfBudgetAndContingency: number, paidPercentage: number, remainingPercentageExcludingPaid: number, contingencyPercentage: number,
        spent: number, spentOnChart: number, remainingAmount: number, daysToGo: number, spentOverColor: string, chartId: string) {
        let chart = HighCharts.chart(chartId, {
          "chart": {
            "height": 400,
            "renderTo": "container",
            "plotBackgroundColor": null,
            "plotBackgroundImage": null,
            "plotBorderWidth": 0,
            "plotShadow": false,
            "backgroundColor": "white"
          "credits": {
            "enabled": false
          "tooltip": {
            "enabled": true
          "title": {
            "useHtml": true,
            "text": "<div style=\"font-size: 1.6rem;\">Remaining</div><br/><div style=\"font-size: 20px;color:" + spentOverColor + "\">" + remainingAmount.toLocaleString() + "</div>",
            "align": "center",
            "verticalAlign": "top",
            "y": 120,
          "subtitle": {
            "useHtml": true,
            "text": "<div style=\"font-size: 1.6rem;\">Days To Go</div><br/><div style=\"font-size: 16px;\">" + daysToGo + "</div>",
            "align": "center",
            "verticalAlign": "top",
            "y": 170,
          "pane": {
            "center": ["50%", "47%"],
            "size": "70%",
            "startAngle": -90,
            "endAngle": 90,
            "background": {
              "borderWidth": 0,
              "backgroundColor": "transparent",
              "innerRadius": "95%",
              "outerRadius": "100%",
              "shape": "arc"
          "yAxis": [{
            "lineWidth": 0,
            "min": 0,
            "max": totalOfBudgetAndContingency, /* Budget + Contingency */
            tickColor: 'white',
            tickWidth: 4,
            minorTickInterval: 'auto',
            minorTickLength: 3,
            minorTickPosition: 'inside',
            tickPixelInterval: 50,
            tickPosition: '',
            tickPositioner: (min, max) => {
              var ticks = [],
                tick = min,
                step = Math.round((max - min) / 10);
              while (tick < max - step / 2) {
                tick += step;
              return ticks;
            tickLength: 30,
            "labels": {
              "enabled": true,
              distance: 30,
              style: {
                color: '#50a2a7',
                font: '11px Trebuchet MS, Verdana, sans-serif'
            "title": {
              "text": "",
              "useHTML": false,
              "y": 80
            "pane": 0
          "plotOptions": {
            "series": {
              "enableMouseTracking": false
            "pie": {
              "dataLabels": {
                "enabled": true,
                "distance": 0,
                "style": {
                  "fontWeight": "bold",
                  "color": "white",
                  "textShadow": "0px 1px 2px black"
              "size": "75%",
              "startAngle": -90,
              "endAngle": 90,
              "center": ["50%", "47%"]
            "gauge": {
              "dataLabels": {
                "enabled": false
              "pivot": {
                "radius": 80,
                "borderWidth": 1,
                "borderColor": "transparent",
                "backgroundColor": "white"
              "dial": {
                "radius": "100%",
                "backgroundColor": "#e9b44c",
                "borderColor": "",
                "baseWidth": 60,
                "topWidth": 1,
                "baseLength": "5%",
                "rearLength": "5%"
          "series": [{
            "type": "pie",
            "name": "Budget",
            "innerSize": "80%",
            "data": [{
              "y": paidPercentage, /* Paid as percentage */
              "name": "",
              color: 'rgba(80,162,167, 0.3)'
            }, {
              "y": remainingPercentageExcludingPaid, /* Remaining as percentage excluding paid */
              "name": "",
              color: 'rgba(187,187,187, 0.2)'
            }, {
              "y": contingencyPercentage, /* Contingency as percentage */
              "name": "",
              color: 'rgba(155,41,21, 0.9)'
          }, {
            "type": "gauge",
            "name": "Spent",
            "data": [spentOnChart], /* Spent */
            "dial": {
              "rearLength": 0

    Here is working Fiddler

    enter image description here