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Try-Catch with Yield return in a Recursive Method

I need to implement a try catch in a recursive method, but i can't figure out how to do it. This is the code:

    private IEnumerable <FileItem> FilesToDownload(FileItem file)
        logger = LogManager.GetLogger(GetType());

        using (var wb = new WebDavSession(webDavUrl, new NetworkCredential(user, psw)))
        using (Task<IList<WebDavSessionItem>> task = wb.ListAsync(file.Path))
            foreach (var item in task.Result)
                FileItem retFile = item.ToFileItem();
                logger.Info("Going Into " + retFile.Path);
                if (item.IsFolder == true)  
                    foreach (var inner in FilesToDownload(retFile))
                        yield return inner;
                    yield return retFile;

This method helps me to find out files into nested folders (in a cloud), so the recursive is necessary.

Whay do you suggest?


  • What you can't do is have a try/catch block around a yield return statement - that violates CS1626.

    But: you can still use try/catch - you just need to be creative in the layout. For example:

    foreach (var item in task.Result)
        IEnumerable<FileItem> subItems = null;
        FileItem subItem = null;
            FileItem retFile = item.ToFileItem();
            logger.Info("Going Into " + retFile.Path);
            if (item.IsFolder == true)
                subItems = FilesToDownload(retFile);
                subItem = retFile;
        catch { /* your code here */ }
        if (subItem != null) yield return subItem;
        if (subItems != null)
            foreach (var x in subItems) yield return x;

    Additional thoughts:

    • a Stack<T> or Queue<T> may be a more suitable approach than deep recursion
    • the task.Wait() is not good and could deadlock your code; unfortunately there is currently no good pattern for "async enumerables"