Select m.CEAREGA, m.Crotal, rem.IdRexistro, m.IdMostraExt,
to_char(m.DataEntrega, 'DD/MM/YYYY') As Entrada, e.Descricion AS Ensaio,
to_char(rem.DataValidacion, 'DD/MM/YYYY') as DataValidacion, r.Descricion as Resultado,
to_char(rem.Valor) as Valor, es.Descricion as Especie, tm.Descricion as Mostra,
(select LISTAGG(mo.Descricion, ':::') WITHIN GROUP (order by mo.Descricion)
from motivo_ensaio_mostra mm
join motivo_ensaio mo on mo.CodMotivo=mm.CodMotivo and mm.codLab=mo.codLab
where mm.IdRexistro=rem.IdRexistro and mm.IdMostra=rem.IdMostra and mm.CodLab=rem.CodLab
group by mm.IdRexistro, mm.IdMostra) as Motivo,
(select LISTAGG(trim(remi.NomeDesc || ' ' || remi.PrimeiroApelido || ' ' || remi.SegundoApelido), ':::')
WITHIN GROUP (order by remi.PrimeiroApelido, remi.SegundoApelido, remi.NomeDesc)
from rexistro_remitente rm
join remitente remi on remi.NIFCIF=rm.NIFCIF and rm.codLab=remi.codLab
where rm.IdRexistro=rem.IdRexistro and rm.CodLab=rem.CodLab
group by rm.IdRexistro) as Remitente
from resultado_ensaio_mostra rem
join resultado r on r.CodResult=rem.CodResult and r.codLab = rem.codLab and r.CODTIPORESULT='P'
join mostra m on m.IdRexistro=rem.IdRexistro and m.IdMostra=rem.IdMostra and m.codLab = rem.codLab
and m.VlxBaixa=0 and m.EstadoMostra<>10330004 and LENGTH(m.Crotal<5) and m.IdMostra > 201800000
join especie es on es.CodEspec=m.CodEspec and es.codLab = m.codLab
join tipo_mostra tm on tm.CodTipoMost=m.CodTipoMost and tm.codLab = m.codLab
It shows the Oracle Error: ORA-00907
I can´t find the missing parenthesis or where is the error. Could anyone can help me out?
Thanks in advance.
Changing your formatting style may help.
For sub-queries, I try to keep the open and close brackets visibly associated with each other. I tend to keep them in the same column, and the content of the sub-query indented.
Similarly, make each predicate or calculation clearly separate from each other. I prefer to have them on separate lines, it makes for longer code, but narrower code; which is much more friendly for tools such as diff
(and so also git
This gives me the following which I can visually debug much faster than your example. (In fact, I'd say that I can't visually debug yours, each individual line or expression is too hard to isolate and parse.)
to_char(m.DataEntrega, 'DD/MM/YYYY') As Entrada,
e.Descricion AS Ensaio,
to_char(rem.DataValidacion, 'DD/MM/YYYY') as DataValidacion,
r.Descricion as Resultado,
to_char(rem.Valor) as Valor,
es.Descricion as Especie,
tm.Descricion as Mostra,
LISTAGG(mo.Descricion, ':::')
WITHIN GROUP (order by mo.Descricion)
motivo_ensaio_mostra mm
motivo_ensaio mo
on mo.CodMotivo=mm.CodMotivo
and mm.codLab=mo.codLab
and mm.IdMostra=rem.IdMostra
and mm.CodLab=rem.CodLab
group by
mm.IdRexistro, mm.IdMostra
) as Motivo,
LISTAGG(trim(remi.NomeDesc || ' ' || remi.PrimeiroApelido || ' ' || remi.SegundoApelido), ':::')
WITHIN GROUP (order by remi.PrimeiroApelido, remi.SegundoApelido, remi.NomeDesc)
rexistro_remitente rm
remitente remi
on remi.NIFCIF=rm.NIFCIF
and rm.codLab=remi.codLab
and rm.CodLab=rem.CodLab
group by
) as Remitente
resultado_ensaio_mostra rem
resultado r
on r.CodResult = rem.CodResult
and r.codLab = rem.codLab
mostra m
on m.IdRexistro = rem.IdRexistro
and m.IdMostra = rem.IdMostra
and m.codLab = rem.codLab
and m.VlxBaixa=0
and m.EstadoMostra<>10330004
and LENGTH(m.Crotal<5)
and m.IdMostra > 201800000
especie es
on es.CodEspec=m.CodEspec
and es.codLab = m.codLab
tipo_mostra tm
on tm.CodTipoMost=m.CodTipoMost
and tm.codLab = m.codLab
This leads me to the conclusion that the brackets are not the problem. So, it's likely to be some other syntax error near a bracket.
As per an answer that came up while I was reformatting your code, it appears to be LENGTH(m.Crotal<5)
which should be LENGTH(m.Crotal) < 5
(In essence, there is a )
missing before the <
, and also an extra one present after the 5