Maybe someone can explain me why Azure queues has a max TTL of 7 days?
I am used to work with NServicebus where events (messages) would be an important part of a business process and this of course may never be deleted. I really like the way queues gives me reliable communication where events eventually will be processed in independent applications.
So why is it MS have this max retention period? And why 7 days, because it is a whole week? I really like to understand their reason. I known I could create a Queue-trigger and store them elsewhere.
Also read this feedback voting for this to be changed.
EDIT: This has now been changed with a new version of WindowsAzure.Storage. This compares the old and new behavior.
//WindowsAzure.Storage 8.7
queue.AddMessage(message); // TTL is 7 days
queue.AddMessage(message, TimeSpan.MaxValue); // Throws The argument 'timeToLive' is larger than maximum of '7.00:00:00'
//WindowsAzure.Storage 9.0
queue.AddMessage(message); // TTL is 7 days
queue.AddMessage(message, TimeSpan.MaxValue); //Expiration Time is now 31.dec 9999
Looks like this limitation has been removed with the new C# Storage SDK V9.0.0 which uses new REST API versions, although I cant find any reference to these REST APIs anywhere or anything on the storage blog.
I have tested this and it works with V9.0.0 of the Storage SDK, the TTL can be infinite.