I would like to render a Component using a <Route>
and pass some props down to the Component that it renders. I would like these props to originate from a query string, but I am struggling to figure out the proper location to actually parse the query.
Let's say I have the following URL:
I'm also using React-Router-Redux, this is what my routerReducer
looks like at this address:
const routerReducer = {
location: {
hash: "",
pathname: "/privateRegistration",
search: "?fullName=JohnBaker&accessKey=a4141sbgfsd",
Since React-Router V4 does not natively parse query strings, I will use the node queryString module (https://www.npmjs.com/package/querystring)
const querystring = require('querystring')
const {location} = state.routerReducer
render() {
return (
<Route path='/privateRegistration' render={ () => {
const parsed = querystring.parse(location.search)
return (
Is there somewhere else that I should be performing the actual parse operation other than within the <Route>
prop/method? Technically I have access to the history object outside of the context of Route
, but if I moved away from Redux, where else would I access this?
I could also simply pass in the entire location.search
as a prop, or more simply access it within the component through the redux store without passing props at all
I am trying to see best practices but it seems there is a debate about the best way to do this here : https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router/issues/4410
Within the render
function of the Route
you have access to pretty much everything. You can just pass those to your PrivateComponent
render() {
return (
<Route path='/privateRegistration' render={ props =>
<PrivateComponent { ...props } /> // ^ HERE
} />
The props
includes history
, location
and match
objects with which you can do anything.