I am trying to get the timestamp of a file into a variable in a batch file.
My batch file, imagetime.bat contains the following:
set targetfile=%~1
set targetfile=%targetfile:\=\\%
echo %targetfile%
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%i in ( `wmic datafile where name^="%targetfile%" get creationdate` ) do ( echo %%i )
echo %timestamp%
And I get this output:
C:\>imagetime.bat V:\setup.exe
C:\>set targetfile=V:\setup.exe
C:\>set targetfile=V:\\setup.exe
C:\>echo V:\\setup.exe
C:\>for /F "usebackq delims=" %i in (`wmic datafile where name="V:\\setup.exe" g
et creationdate`) do (echo %i )
) (echo CreationDate
) (echo 20110412103858.000000+***
) (echo
ECHO is on.
C:\>echo ""
Of course, at the end I would like to see "20110412103858.000000+***", so that I can format it as "04/12/2011,10:38:58" with cmd's string manipulation.
What am I doing wrong?
I tried Hackoo's solution. It works for calc.exe but not for V:\setup.exe. Having removed @echo off and pause I get this output (I changed the line referring to calc.exe to: set "targetfile=V:\setup.exe"
C:\>set "targetfile=C:\Windows\system32\calc.exe"
C:\>set targetfile=C:\\Windows\\system32\\calc.exe
C:\>for /F "usebackq delims=" %i in (`wmic datafile where name="C:\\Windows\\sys
tem32\\calc.exe" get creationdate`) do (for %b in (%i) do (set "timestamp=%b" )
) do (set "timestamp=%b" ) )
C:\>(set "timestamp=CreationDate" )
) do (set "timestamp=%b" ) ) 1.688252+120
C:\>(set "timestamp=20090714015711.688252+120" )
) do (set "timestamp=%b" ) )
C:\>echo TimeStamp : "20090714015711.688252+120"
TimeStamp : "20090714015711.688252+120"
C:\>set "targetfile=V:\setup.exe"
C:\>set targetfile=V:\\setup.exe
C:\>for /F "usebackq delims=" %i in (`wmic datafile where name="V:\\setup.exe" g
et creationdate`) do (for %b in (%i) do (set "timestamp=%b" ) )
) do (set "timestamp=%b" ) )
C:\>(set "timestamp=CreationDate" )
) do (set "timestamp=%b" ) ) 8.000000+***
) do (set "timestamp=%b" ) )
C:\>echo TimeStamp : "CreationDate"
TimeStamp : "CreationDate"
Will this do what you want?
@Echo Off
Set "TF=%~f1"
Set "TS="
For /F "Skip=1" %%A In ('WMIC DataFile Where^
"Name='%TF:\=\\%'" Get CreationDate') Do For %%B In (%%~nA) Do Set "TS=%%B"
If Not Defined TS Exit /B
Set "TS=%TS:~4,2%/%TS:~6,2%/%TS:~,4%,%TS:~-6,2%:%TS:~-4,2%:%TS:~-2%"
Echo %TS%
Here it is again without the caret using your normal commandline style:
With UseBackQ
@Echo Off
Set "TF=%~f1"
Set "TS="
For /F "UseBackQ Skip=1" %%A In (`
"WMIC DataFile Where Name="%TF:\=\\%" Get CreationDate"
`) Do For %%B In (%%~nA) Do Set "TS=%%B"
If Not Defined TS Exit /B
Set "TS=%TS:~4,2%/%TS:~6,2%/%TS:~,4%,%TS:~-6,2%:%TS:~-4,2%:%TS:~-2%"
Echo %TS%
Without UseBackQ
: (preferred)
@Echo Off
Set "TF=%~f1"
Set "TS="
For /F "Skip=1" %%A In ('
"WMIC DataFile Where Name="%TF:\=\\%" Get CreationDate"
') Do For %%B In (%%~nA) Do Set "TS=%%B"
If Not Defined TS Exit /B
Set "TS=%TS:~4,2%/%TS:~6,2%/%TS:~,4%,%TS:~-6,2%:%TS:~-4,2%:%TS:~-2%"
Echo %TS%