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SQlAlchemy: Could not determine join condition between parent/child tables on relationship error message

I've recently used sqlacodegen

When I try and run against the generated code it get this message that I've been unable to fix:

Could not determine join condition between parent/child tables on relationship Workgrp.usrmst - there are multiple foreign key paths linking the tables. Specify the 'foreign_keys' argument, providing a list of those columns which should be counted as containing a foreign key reference to the parent table.

I'm wondering if someone can shed some light:

Here is the generated code for the relevant tables causing the issue:

class Workgrp(Owner):
    __tablename__ = 'workgrp'

    workgrp_id = Column(ForeignKey('owner.owner_id'), primary_key=True)
    workgrp_prntid = Column(Numeric(scale=0, asdecimal=False))
    workgrp_name = Column(String(256))
    workgrp_desc = Column(String(4000))
    workgrp_owner = Column(ForeignKey('usrmst.usrmst_id'))
    workgrp_lstchgtm = Column(DateTime, index=True)
    workgrp_externid = Column(String(20))
    workgrp_profile = Column(Text)
    workgrp_usrmodtm = Column(DateTime)

    usrmst = relationship('Usrmst')

class Usrmst(Owner):
    __tablename__ = 'usrmst'
    __table_args__ = (
        Index('usrmst_ak1', 'usrmst_domain', 'usrmst_name'),

    usrmst_id = Column(ForeignKey('owner.owner_id'), primary_key=True)
    usrmst_domain = Column(String(256))
    usrmst_name = Column(String(256), nullable=False)
    usrmst_fullname = Column(String(1024))
    usrmst_desc = Column(String(4000))
    usrmst_phoneno = Column(String(40))
    usrmst_pagerno = Column(String(40))
    usrmst_email = Column(String(1024))
    usrmst_emailtype = Column(Numeric(scale=0, asdecimal=False))
    secmst_id = Column(ForeignKey('secmst.secmst_id'))
    lngmst_id = Column(ForeignKey('lngmst.lngmst_id'))
    usrmst_password = Column(String(1024))
    usrmst_externid = Column(String(20))
    usrmst_suser = Column(String(1))
    usrmst_lstchgtm = Column(DateTime, index=True)
    usrmst_orapassword = Column(String(144))
    usrmst_wingroup = Column(String(1))
    usrmst_tmpacct = Column(String(1))
    usrmst_profile = Column(Text)
    usrmst_usrmodtm = Column(DateTime)
    usrmst_principal = Column(String(256))
    usrmst_keytab = Column(String(4000))

    lngmst = relationship('Lngmst')
    secmst = relationship('Secmst')

I've looked at the SQLAlchemy docs, and tried things with

But ended up with messages like:

  • 'Table' object has no attribute 'usrmst_id'
  • AttributeError: 'Table' object has no attribute 'workgrp_owner'

Here are some screenshots relevant raw Tables in DBeaver, the Eclipse based SQL Explorer type plugin:


I don't think it should make much difference but I'm developing on:

  • Windows Server 2012 RC2
  • using Oracle 11g
  • With Python 3.6.4
  • sqlacodegen 1.1.6

There is a snippet I've added after the generated code, with the relevant imports..

engine = create_engine("oracle://<dbuser>:<dbpwd>@<host>:<port>/<db>")
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()
firstjm = session.query(Jobmst).first()

Other annoying things about the sqlacodegen generated code:

  • Didn't generate string implementations, of __repr__ and __str__, so printing out a table didn't generically list, table name, followed by key, value pair list for columns and their values.

  • Purports to be PEP compliant code, lines often blew the character limit, and so you'd have to go and reformat long comparison strings 'x x' into 'x' ' x' etc ,


  • I finally tracked down the syntactic sugar doing a Google advanced search on the exact term:

    usrmst = relationship('Usrmst', foreign_keys=[workgrp_owner])

    I also overrode the default implementation of __repr__ for the Base class defined by:

    Base = declarative_base()

    to this:

    import json
    def tablerepr(self):
        return "<{}: ({})>".format(self.__table__,
                                     ), default=str)
    Base.__repr__ = tablerepr

    Useful links I found when getting to grips with the objects SQLAlchemy spits out:

    So I end up adding the tablerepr method to my main generated code..

    Then in a separate python script I import the generated code with my tweaks, and have code like this:

    engine = create_engine("oracle://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<db>")
    inspector = inspect(engine)
    Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
    session = Session()

    Jobmst is a class representing a table I've imported. This represents kind of content that print then generates, with the customer data replaced by .... The table name, then a tuple containing each column name and it's data as key/value pairs:

    <jobmst: ({"jobmst_id": 1590.0, "jobmst_alias": "1590", "jobmst_owner": 67.0, "jobmst_type": 1.0, "jobmst_dirty": "0", "jobmst_desc": null, "jobmst_vars": null, "jobmst_prntid": 1589.0, "jobmst_crttm": "2001-06-18 10:38:19", "jobmst_active": "N", "jobmst_usrmodtm": "2001-06-29 20:27:06", "jobdtl_id": 1591.0, "evntmst_id": null, "bizunit_id": null, "jobmst_lstchgtm": "2001-06-29 20:27:06", "jobmst_evntoffset": null, "jobmst_desc_type": null, "jobmst_runbook": null, "jobmst_name": "....", "jobmst_runbook_type": null, "jobcls_id": 32.0, "jobmst_mode": null, "jobmst_prntname": "...."})>