i want to show direction from place A to place B, by using google map application and intent
then i use below URL to show the direction between 2 places
"http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=" + lat1 + "," + lng1 + "&daddr=" + lat2 + "," + lng2
it;s OK and all things goes right but s.times google map can't find direction and it shows below error
Sorry, we could not calculate directions from place A to place B
i read about this error and understood that
the directions is not supported in every country of the world
but , here is my question that how can i get this error to show users, my own sentence instead of opening google map application with intent and then google map shows this to users
UPDATE : here is the URL , u can test it
it will show "Sorry, we could not calculate directions"
You can integrate Google Maps rest api. More about it here You can use status codes from the response