Search code examples

Create rolling calculation based unique entries (Q/KDB+)

I have a table:

q)data:([]dt:2017.01.05D19:45:00.238248239 2017.01.05D20:46:00.282382392 2017.01.05D21:47:00.232842342 2017.01.05D22:48:00.835838442 2017.01.05D20:49:00.282382392;sym:`AAPL`GOOG`AAPL`BBRY`GOOG;price:101.20 800.20 102.30 2.20 800.50;shares:500 100 500 900 100)
dt                            sym    price   shares
2017.01.05D19:45:00.238248239 AAPL   101.20  500
2017.01.05D20:46:00.282382392 GOOG   800.20  100
2017.01.05D21:47:00.232842342 AAPL   102.30  500
2017.01.05D22:48:00.835838442 BBRY     2.20  900
2017.01.05D20:49:00.282382392 GOOG   800.50  100

I need to create a column containing the sum of price*shares for the latest observation of each individual ticker.

To demonstrate using the above data, we're looking for:

dt                            sym    price   shares   index
2017.01.05D19:45:00.238248239 AAPL   101.20  500      50,600
2017.01.05D20:46:00.282382392 GOOG   800.20  100      130,620
2017.01.05D21:47:00.232842342 AAPL   102.30  500      131,170
2017.01.05D22:48:00.835838442 BBRY     2.20  900      133,150
2017.01.05D20:49:00.282382392 GOOG   800.50  100      133,180

To further clarify, at row 1, only 1 symbol is included, at row 2, 2 symbols, then 2 again, then 3, then 3 again at row 5.

Answered in a different thread: Apply formula to current and previous rows only (Q/KDB)


  • Given the question has changed considerably since the initial posting and my previous answer, here is an updated solution:

    q)delete ind from update index:sum@'ind from (update ind:@\[()!();sym;:;shares*price] from data) where i>=max(first;i)fby sym
    dt                            sym  price shares index
    2017.01.05D19:45:00.238248239 AAPL 101.2 500
    2017.01.05D20:46:00.282382392 GOOG 800.2 100
    2017.01.05D21:47:00.232842342 AAPL 102.3 500
    2017.01.05D22:48:00.835838442 BBRY 2.2   900    133150
    2017.01.05D20:49:00.282382392 GOOG 800.5 100    133180

    Or without the other initial condition that it should only be populated once all tickers have ticked:

    q)delete ind from update index:sum@'ind from update ind:@\[()!();sym;:;shares*price] from data
    dt                            sym  price shares index
    2017.01.05D19:45:00.238248239 AAPL 101.2 500    50600
    2017.01.05D20:46:00.282382392 GOOG 800.2 100    130620
    2017.01.05D21:47:00.232842342 AAPL 102.3 500    131170
    2017.01.05D22:48:00.835838442 BBRY 2.2   900    133150
    2017.01.05D20:49:00.282382392 GOOG 800.5 100    133180

    (Note these are only minor modifications to the solution I posted yesterday, updated for the changed requirements in the question)