I got files looking like this:
aaa-xxx-random1.xml aaa-xxx-random2.xml aaa-yyy-random3.xml aaa-zzz-random4.xml aaa-zzz-random5.xml
How can I parse it in PowerShell to get the second trigram in a variable?
Output expected:
xxx xxx yyy zzz zzz
In shell that would be:
for f in `ls`; do
echo $f | cut -d "-" -f 2
The goal of this is to create an archive named by the trigram and move all the XML files from the same family into the archive created.
Split the filename at hyphens and pick the second element of the resulting array:
Get-ChildItem | ForEach-Object { ($_.Name -split '-')[1] }
or (using aliases)
ls | % {($_.Name -split '-')[1]}