thanks for the time you spend with my question !
My goal : read a logfile, display it into a TextView widget then update it each time a new line is added to the file (quite simple, it seems)
Problem : It seems that the G_IO_IN condition is always met, even for G_STATUS_EOF. So, the program hangs and doesn't display anything.
Here are some code extracts :
1st, open the file, read it and display it into the TextView (it works perfectly) :
// Get the TextBuffer then go to the latest position (not sure it is useful)
txtBuf=gtk_text_view_get_buffer((GtkTextView *)tvLogs);
gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter(txtBuf, &txtIter);
// Connect logfile to new IOChannel and add_watch to G_IO_IN condition
chanErr=g_io_channel_new_file("./errorlog.log","r", &error);
g_io_add_watch(chanErr, G_IO_IN, (GIOFunc)DisplayLogs, NULL);
// Read the whole file and display it into the TextView
ret=g_io_channel_read_to_end(chanErr,&file, &fileLen, &err)
g_assert(ret == G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL);
// Insert file read into the TextView
gtk_text_buffer_insert(txtBuf, &txtIter, file, fileLen);
At this point, everything is running well... Here is the callback connected to G_IO_IN condition :
gboolean DisplayLogs(GIOChannel *chanErr, GIOCondition cond, gpointer data)
GtkWidget *tvLogs;
gchar *buf;
gsize bufLen;
GError *err=NULL;
GtkTextBuffer *txtBuf;
GtkTextIter txtIter;
GIOStatus ret;
// Retrieve the TextView
// Try to read 1 line
ret=g_io_channel_read_line(chanErr, &buf, &bufLen, NULL, &err);
if (ret!=G_STATUS_NORMAL) {
switch (ret) {
case G_IO_STATUS_ERROR : g_warning("G_IO_STATUS_ERROR"); break;
case G_IO_STATUS_EOF : g_warning("G_IO_STATUS_EOF"); break;
case G_IO_STATUS_AGAIN : g_warning("G_IO_STATUS_AGAIN"); break;
if (err)
other stuff to update info displayed but never reached
return TRUE;
When application starts : it loops infinitively on "G_STATUS_EOF". It seems that this event triggers G_IO_IN condition and fire the callback.
Any idea ?
Many thanks in advance.
-- Vincent
Well, since nobody answered, I have to find a solution by myself (which is quite a good thing indeed).
Problem was : how to display in a TextView the log entries coming from a file.
Solution found :
Result is nice. I have the log file AND the windowed log.
Problem solved (or workarounded it depends :-) )