I have a bash script which runs a make command on a Sun Grid Engine HPC:
module load program1 program2
set -a
This bash script runs a makefile which looks like:
# makefile
SHELL := /bin/bash
all: Variants.vcf Variants1.vcf
program1 inputfile > Variants.vcf
program2 inputfile2 > Variants1.vcf
I submit the script on the HPC by issuing:
qsub submitscript.sh
When I issue qdel to delete the task the file that is currently being written to is not deleted by make. I would have thought that the qdel command would result in the makefile exiting and deleting any target files not completely written. Can anybody explain what is happening here?
Thank you. I realise my mistake now. Qdel is killing the entire job so as you both say make is not being allowed to clean up. When I added the line to the makefile:
and then put a wrong file path into the program2 line eg.
program2 inputfile2 > /wrong/file/path/Variants1.vcf
the desired behaviour was shown with the partially written file being deleted on exit.
From the Comments:
If you kill make how can it then do the cleanup? If you killed program1 or program2 it could have a chance. – user2672165
I realise my mistake now. Qdel is killing the entire job so as you both say make is not being allowed to clean up. – user1977981
I'm answering this so other users with the same problem can easily determine the answer that was provided.