In a text file I want to comment out these lines:
<whatever>xyz <whatever>
... that's a certain string followed by either end-of-line or whitespace.
But I want to leave these lines alone:
... that's the string followed by a character that is not whitespace.
Where the following are of course not literal strings:
I've tried this:
sed -e '/xyz[ $]/s/^/# /g' in.txt > out.txt
... but it doesn't match the lines with end-of-line immediately after the string. Seems the $ sign is taken as a literal when it is inside square brackets.
This is my current hack:
sed -e '/xyz /s/^/# /g' in.txt > out.txt
sed -e '/xyz$/s/^/# /g' -i out.txt
... but I'd much rather only parse the file once due to speed. I'd also like to match \t as well as ordinary space character; but that is not compulsory.
For this input file, "in.txt":
xyz #
I'm running Linux Mint, i.e. gnu sed.
Special characters lose their meaning in bracket expressions.
Try this:
sed -Ee '/(xyz$)|(xyz )|(xyz\t)/s/^/# /g'
> gsed -Ee '/(xyz$)|(xyz )|(xyz)\t/s/^/# /g' in.txt
# xyz
# xyz #