Using the magrittr piper operator we perform manipulation on a vector.
strings <- "a b c"
strings %>% strsplit(" ") # Here we get a list
> strings %>% strsplit(" ")
[1] "a" "b" "c"
But let's assume that we would only like to get the single element of this list. This would require us to (example to get the first element):
(strings %>% strsplit(" "))[[1]][1] # Notice the braces around the expression..
Now to my question: Is there a way to use the pipe operator without the need of putting the whole expression in braces? It would be more transparent, I think, if we would not have to write it into a temporary variable or use brackets but use some kind of a special pipe operator.
Is there another way to do this?
Or also:
strings %>% strsplit(" ") %>% { .[[1]][1] }
which would be the same as
strings %>% strsplit(" ") %>% .[[1]] %>% .[1]
Compare the timings:
(strings %>% strsplit(" ") %>% unlist %>% first)
,(strings %>% strsplit(" ") %>% { .[[1]][1] })
,(strings %>% strsplit(" ") %>% map_chr(1))
# Unit: microseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# (strings %>% strsplit(" ") %>% unlist %>% first) 280.270 288.363 301.9581 295.4685 305.1395 442.511 100
# (strings %>% strsplit(" ") %>% { .[[1]][1] }) 211.980 219.875 229.4866 226.3875 235.6640 298.429 100
# (strings %>% strsplit(" ") %>% map_chr(1)) 682.123 693.965 747.1690 710.1495 752.3875 2578.091 100