I need extract host name and replace it by {HOST_NAME} I use this expression
SELECT regexp_replace(str, '[\/]{2}(.*)[\.|:]', '{HOST_NAME}', 1) from dual
str = http://localhost:8080/test
str = https://test-app.uk.ru/test
Expected result:
> http://localhost:8080/test -> http://{HOST_NAME}:8080/test
> https://test-app.uk.ru/test - > https://{HOST_NAME}.uk.ru/test
http://localhost:8080/test -> http:{HOST_NAME}8080/test
https://test-app.uk.ru/test - > https:{HOST_NAME}uk.ru/test
You may use the following approach:
SELECT regexp_replace(str, '://[^.:]+', '://{HOST_NAME}', 1) from dual
See the regex demo.
The ://[^.:]+
- a literal substring[^.:]+
- 1 or more chars other than .
and :
See an online demo: