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Compiling PHP with extensions

Can anyone give me any pointers on why the following ./configure settings do not appear to actually affect my build of PHP?


  • php-5.3.5
  • Compiling in order to use php-cgi on a per-domain basis

For example, my ./configure looks like this:

./configure --with-curl --enable-mbstring

The make, make install works fine, and I successfully get my php-cgi binary. When I run:

<?php phpinfo() ?>

I can see that I am running 5.3.5, but there is no sign of curl or mbstring.

However, there is a catch: If I use run phpize on the extension directly (in the source) and go through a proper ./configure, make, make install, I can add:

to my php.ini and then I see mbstring in my phpinfo() output.

What I surmise from this is that I can put in the extra effort to manually compile each and every extension I want, but I cannot get the extensions to compile in directly.

Any thoughts?


  • ajreal's comment pointed me in the right direction.

    I was trying a few things all at the same time and ended up crossing a few wires. I was not successful at creating a symbolic link to the php-cgi binary, so it had been copied to:


    It was still pointing to the correct php.ini, but was not the same binary as what I had later compiled with the additional extensions.

    Now it makes sense why modules added in the php.ini showed up but were not directly compiled in. Lesson learned!