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ASP.NET Core 2.0 Win Auth main site, but sub-folder as anonymous

I want to have a sub-folder that allows anonymous users to download files on an ASP.NET Core site that is secured using Window Authentication. I have static files enabled on wwwroot (as in app.UseStaticFiles), but I don't see how to make the sub-folder use anonymous security. I tried using a web.config in the sub-folder with but that didn't work. I don't recall this being as difficult when not using Core, any help appreciated.


  • After some extra research, here's the solution I arrived at.

    Like @Tratcher suggested, I enabled Anonymous along side Windows Auth in IIS.

    I referenced the package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication and added it in ConfigureServices:


    Added a default authorization policy when adding MVC:

    services.AddMvc(o =>
        var policy = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder()
        o.Filters.Add(new AuthorizeFilter(policy));

    The default policy means I didn't have to use the Authorize attribute everywhere. But with this solution it opened up the "wwwroot" static files, so I needed a place to secure some files.

    To secure some sub-folders I used this middleware solution by Scott Allen that scans requested paths and authorizes them by policy.