I am beginner in App Engine PHP. I am working in ubuntu 16.04 and Google Cloud SDK 187.0.0. I am following this tutorial https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/php/quickstart
My code is:
runtime: php55
api_version: 1
- url: /.*
script: index.php
However, when I want to run Appengine server dev local and I open Mozilla browser show a message.
"La codificación de caracteres del documento HTML no ha sido declarada. El documento se mostrará con texto "basura" en algunas configuraciones de navegador si el documento contiene caracteres externos al rango US-ASCII. La codificación de caracteres de la página debe ser declarada en el documento o en el protocolo de transferencia."
"The character encoding of the HTML document has not been declared. The document will be displayed with "junk" text in some browser settings if the document contains characters external to the US-ASCII range. The character encoding of the page must be declared in the document or in the transfer protocol."
I have searched all the solutions in Stackoverflow but none works. Help me please.
Adicional, I see that the php version doesn't show.
Community everything is my mistake. PHP code is good. However the command for running dev_appserver.py is bad.
My old dev_appserver.py command (bad):
dev_appserver.py --php_executable_path=/usr/bin/php5.6 --port=8099
My new dev_appserver.py commandc(good):
dev_appserver.py --php_executable_path=/usr/bin/php-cgi5.6 --port=8099
I install php5.6-cgi too: apt install php5.6-cgi
Follow this tutorial for install php5.6 http://www.ingdiaz.org/cambiar-version-php-7-0-php-5-6-ubuntu-16-04/