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Querying nested json based on wildcard key

I have a PostgresQL table which stores a JSON as jsonb:

 Column |  Type   |                         Modifiers                         | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
 id     | integer | not null default nextval('history_id_seq'::regclass)      | plain    |              | 
 data   | jsonb   | not null                                                  | extended |              | 

JSON's structure:

    "20180201": {
        "foo": [{
            "name": "item1",
            "desc": "an item 1"
        }, {
            "name": "item2",
            "desc": "an item 2"
        "bar": [{
            "name": "item1",
            "desc": "an item 1"
        }, {
            "name": "item2",
            "desc": "an item 2"

Each row will contain such a JSON where timestamp is the key of the dictionary.

I want to write a query which'll fetch all foo from the JSON of each row.

I am doing this by first getting all keys (doing this in Python):

SELECT (jsonb_object_keys(data)) AS key FROM history;

Then iterating over all keys, I run the query (python pseudo-code):

for key in keys: 
    query = "SELECT data->'%s'->'foo'FROM history" % key

How would I do this is a single query instead of first getting all keys and then iterating and getting the foo item. Since the timestamp which is used as key can be anything, would be able to do something like SELECT data->'%'->'foo' FROM history


  • Use jsonb_each():

    select id, key, value->>'foo' as foo
    from history
    cross join jsonb_each(data)
     id |   key    |                                       foo                                        
      1 | 20180201 | [{"desc": "an item 1", "name": "item1"}, {"desc": "an item 2", "name": "item2"}]
    (1 row)