I am using NetBeans 8.2. I am working in the code editor window and trying to use regex in combination with the NetBeans find/replace feature. I have the regex button turned on.
on this code
specStripWidthUpper: $("#uniflytebundle_quoteitem_QuoteRing_specStripWidthUpper"),
specStripWidthLower: $("#uniflytebundle_quoteitem_QuoteRing_specStripWidthLower"),
The result I would like would take 1st Category found in find regex
and repeat it on other side of colon ":" like
instead it replaces the selection with $1. looking like
Is there a NetBeans setting to run regex for the replace input window or am I doing something incorrect?
Thank you in advance for your time and effort.
Netbeans (8.2?) does not like the lookarounds. I do not know if this is a new thing but you can get around it with a simplified pattern.
However, your pattern does not capture the part you want to repeat, i.e. specStripWidthUpper
(you can see this when you toggle the Select option).
Try it like this:
You might be required to anchor the query to avoid false positives.