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iOS different constraints for different devices

I have a ViewController designed for iPhone SE

enter image description here

As you can see I also have a constraint Align Top to: Safe Area Equals 75

The question is, is it possible to change this value for iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus? For example:

  • SE = 75
  • 8 = 85
  • 8 Plus = 105


  • we were facing similar issue. We solved with helper class called scaled. Which basically just multiply size of something, which should appear larger on larger device.

    extension CGFloat {
        public var scaled: CGFloat {
            switch UIDevice.type.getResolutionGroup()! {
            case .lr320x568:
                return self
            case .lr375x667:
                return self * 1.1
            case .lr414x736:
                return self * 1.2
            case .lr768x1024:
                return self * 1.3
            // For iPads
            case .lr1024x1366:
                return self * 1.3

    And implementation of resolution group

    public func getResolutionGroup() -> ResolutionGroup? {
            switch self {
            case .iPhone5, .iPhone5C, .iPhone5S, .iPhoneSE, .iPodTouch5, .iPodTouch6:
                return .lr320x568
            case .iPhone6, .iPhone6S, .iPhone7:
                return .lr375x667
            case .iPhone6Plus, .iPhone6SPlus, .iPhone7Plus:
                return .lr414x736
            case .iPadMini, .iPadMini2, .iPadMini3, .iPadMini4:
                return .lr768x1024
            case .iPad2, .iPad3, .iPad4, .iPadAir, .iPadAir2:
                return .lr768x1024
            case .iPadPro:
                return .lr1024x1366
            case .simulator:
                return isiPhone() ? .lr320x568 : .lr768x1024
                return .lr320x568

    And usage in app

    fileprivate let footerHeight = CGFloat(180).scaled