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Install tflearn using pip3 on ubuntu correctly

I have seen lot of answers regarding installation on tflearn using pip but none have helped me. I am using python3 and tensorflow (1.0.0), tensorflow-tensorboard (1.5.0) and tflearn (0.3.2). If I install tflearn it says "cant import tflearn it isn't installed" or something like that but then I uninstalled it and again installed several times using:-

 sudo pip3 install tflearn

Also tried:-

 sudo pip install tflearn

I can see tflearn using both:-

  pip list


 pip3 list

And if I try to install it without sudo it says that permission not granted. How can I properly set up tflearn on ubuntu 16.04 using pip3, please someone tell me cause I have been scratching head for this thing from past 3 days. My pip/pip3 are working fine for other packages only tflearn is causing issues.


  • You just need to change your installation command slightly.

    sudo python3.6 -m pip install tflearn worked for me.

    Obviously you will need tenseflow installed as well.