I used this link: Hide content of blog posts when displaying blog post list in OctoberCMS?
as a tutorial to create a new plugin and show my blog posts by my own style (just post title, date, etc)
But now I need to show the full content of the post. I've migrated from wordpress, where each post creates a new page automaticaly. Does OctoberCMS do the same thing? If yes, how can I relate the post title to the post page. (if not I'll create a "read more" link and show the content on the same page, but, if the users get redirect to the post page, it would be great!)
thanks! Regards
October CMS
is not like word-press
, To make posts
you need actual plugin
and with in that plugin you can add models/tables for you post data
Then you need to create components which can show
your records to front-end
If you are not using rainlab-blog plugin then you need to do this stuff
So basically you need to create this things :
where you want to list all post
and then add listposts
component which will show list of posts
(you need to make it manually) then for that component
you need to pass single post detail page
For single post again you create new page
add another component
which can read slug
and show respective post data
For redirection from post list
to single post
you need to create link
as you are passing single post detail page
to component
you can create link with slug and redirect to single post page
For better reference check out https://octobercms.com/plugin/rainlab-blog plugin and read
its documentation and code
Then you understand how things works.
Its kind of pain to do thing manually as you are coming from wordpress, But it will give you more control and more flexiblity
Once you made your plugin you can fully Extend it and reuse it as you want.
if any doubt please comment.