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Is it necessary to use async keyword when using IDisposable in F#?

I get a Cannot access a disposed object error when running the following code (MyClient is a WCF client generate by a service reference in a C# project).

type Action =
    | Add
    | Update

let addStuff (myClient:MyClient) arg = async {
    let! response = myClient.AddAsync arg |> Async.AwaitTask
    return response.ID

let updateStuff (myClient:MyClient) arg = async {
    let! response = myClient.UpdateAsync arg |> Async.AwaitTask
    return response.ID

let doStuff arg =
    use myClient = new MyClient()
    match arg.Action with
    | Add -> arg |> addStuff myClient
    | Update -> arg |> updateStuff myClient

let args = [Add, Add, Update, Add]

let results =
    |> doStuff
    |> Async.Parallel

It seems the client is being disposed before I expect it to. If I change doStuff to:

let doStuff arg = async {
    use myClient = new MyClient()
        match arg.Action with
        | Add -> arg |> addStuff myClient
        | Update -> arg |> updateStuff myClient

The return type of both functions is Async<int>. Why is the client being disposed early in the first example? I would think both examples are logically identical. My understanding is that the async workflow is only necessary if you need to use the ! bindings which I do not think is necessary in this case as the actual await is happening in the specific functions.


  • The problem is with doStuff:

    let doStuff arg =
        use myClient = new MyClient()
        match arg.Action with
        | Add -> arg |> addStuff myClient
        | Update -> arg |> updateStuff myClient

    You are passing myClient into an async function which captures the MyClient instance. However, when doStuff returns it calls Dispose on the MyClient instance and disposes the client. When your async method gets around to running it is using a disposed instance.

    Making doStuff works because the dispose becomes part of the async workflow.

    Another option would be to not use the MyClient instance but instean have addStuff and updateStuff create their own MyClient instance.