How can I add a figure note right below the image in bookdown::pdf_document2
? It is relatively easy to do for plots that created by ggplot2
. grid.arrange
can do the work with grid.arrange(<plot>, bottom = <figure_notes>)
. But if I insert an image manually, e.g., knitr::include_graphics(rep("images/knit-logo.png", 3))
, is there a way to add a figure note to it? I saw a knitr
option, fig.subcap
. But this fails to compile:
```{r"hold", fig.cap = "a", fig.subcap = "b"}
knitr::include_graphics(rep("images/knit-logo.png", 3))
This returns:
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (MiKTeX 2.9.6350 64-bit)
entering extended mode
! Undefined control sequence.
<recently read> \subfloat
Error: Failed to compile miniSample.tex. See miniSample.log for more info.
Found an expedient solution:
; raster
project with rasterGrob
; Use grid.arrange
to present;Present the image together with note using grid.arrange
plot_A <- magick::image_read(<path>) %>% rasterGrob(interpolate = TRUE)
note <- textGrob("This is a note.")
grid.arrange(plot_A, bottom = note)