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How to get links from website, not seen in view source

I am still beginner, I searched in Google but I didnt found what I want,

I have a website

On the main page, there is selectio form: e.g. one selects first country in first field, the the city in the second field then click the button to show the data.

I didnt find these urls of these data links in view-source, and when changing input from selection fields, the address still the same in browser.

How to get these links to these data, I expected in view-source as extension in website url so e.g. php?=city A etc...

Any help and what are these data protection?


that is part from view-source

/if (todo==9) ('loadajax.php?ekey='+document.getElementById('embid').value+'&todo='+todo+'&mkey='+mkey+'&kkey='+kkey); $.post("loadajax.php", {todo:todo,ekey:document.getElementById('embid').value,mkey:mkey,kkey:kkey},function(result){ // alert (result); $('#'+id).html(result); }); }


  • You can make use of one of the below two:

    1. Install fidder. This is a free and open source tool that provides you all the network traffic and the links that are navigated.
    2. Your browsers debugger tool should help you. If you are using chrome or IE, click F12 that brings you developer tools. Switch to the network tab to see all the links you are navigating to in an application.