This question isn't specific to Python at all, given that I know all the same HTTP API calls are made regardless of what SDK is being used.
I have a bunch of listings (hundreds) that I need to change programmatically. The need is just to change the Variation pictures of an item. Using the ReviseItem API has not been working as expected for me.
If I do a GetItem request for itemID 332121070278, I get the following response back:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<GetItemResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<VariationSpecificValue>Nearly Black</VariationSpecificValue>
So in order to submit my ReviseItem request in the Python SDK, I did the following:
def reviseItem(opts):
api = Trading(debug=opts.debug, config_file=opts.yaml, appid=opts.appid,
certid=opts.certid, devid=opts.devid, warnings=True, timeout=20, siteid='3')
response = api.execute('ReviseItem', {'Item': {
'ItemID': '332121070278',
'Variations': {
'Pictures': {
'VariationSpecificPictureSet': [
'PictureURL': '',
'ExternalPictureURL': '',
'VariationSpecificValue': 'Wine'
#dump(api, full=False)
return response
except ConnectionError as e:
... Which, when I check the request that actually went out, produced the expected XML:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<ReviseItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
Seems totally correct to me. And I can make other ReviseItem API calls that work (e.g. I can successfully change the title of a listing using ReviseItem), but changing the Variation images is giving me the error "ReviseItem: Class: RequestError, Severity: Error, Code: 10007, Internal error to the application. Internal error to the application."
every time
Turns out the API doesn't accept VariationSpecificPictureSet without VariationSpecificName. My api call above works perfectly with a small amendment:
response = api.execute('ReviseItem', {'Item': {
'ItemID': '332121070278',
'Variations': {
'Pictures': {
'VariationSpecificName': 'Colour',
'VariationSpecificPictureSet': [
'PictureURL': '',
'ExternalPictureURL': '',
'VariationSpecificValue': 'Wine'