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TYPO3 fluid template: Submitting multiple objects to the action?

In a f:form is it possible to pass 2 or more objects to the corresponding action? Because i need to pass another object through to the next action, which get's both objects as parameters in turn.

So far the form looks like this (with just the one object):

<f:form action="addchob" name="newChob" object="{newChob}" >

        <f:form.textfield property="name" value="1" /><br />
        <f:form.checkbox property="checked" value="1" checked="0" /><br />

<br />

<br />
<f:form.submit value="Save" />

The problem is, that i cannot access the old object in the "addChob" action, but i need it as it holds the Object Storage for the "newChob" object.


  • You can define arguments in the FormViewHelper:

    <f:form action="addchob" name="newChob" object="{newChob}" arguments="{argumentA:argumentA, argumentB:argumentB}">

    These arguments are attached to the action url.