I have a file containing words, I want to read this file and add a label in front of all words. The label should be added on the right side of the words. eg. book - "O"
, Berlin - "O"
. How to do it in python? I have tried this code but not given my answer.
inp = open('Dari.pos', 'r')
out = open('DariNER.txt', 'w')
for line in iter(inp):
word= line.__add__("O")
If I understand the correct output format word-O, you can try something like this:
words = open('filename').read().split()
labeled_words = [word+"-O" for word in words]
# And now user your output format, each word a line, separate by tabs, whatever.
# For example new lines
with open('outputfile','w') as output: