I'm loading Image from server to imageview. I'm using Picasso to load the image from server to imageview.
On touch of that image, i want it to appear fullscreen and even zoom/tap should work.
I don't know what to do for this, Please help me with suggestions or some examples.
I found few examples, but there was more than 1000 lines code, I couldn't find it helpful and I didn't understand what to do with it.
Thanks. this is my code.
image = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.image);
public void onClick(View view) {
switch (view.getId()) {
case R.id.image:
//what to do here ?
There are some simple steps you should follow.
Create one full-screen Activitywith ImageView
You need to implement library for Pinch to Zoom In/Zoom Out Images. Through which you can zoom In/Out your Imageview.
By Clicking on Imageview Start that Activity and Finish on onBackPress()
There are some of the examples of library you can use.