I have a column of strings in a table representing the filenames in a folder as produced by the dir
tmpList = struct2table(dir('myFolder'));
The folder contains many different file types and folders. I want only the excel files and I can find these by using:
filesData = [dir(['myFolder','\*.xlsx']);dir(['myFolder','\*.xls'])];
However how do I expand this/ replace this such that I can filter tmpList.name
to include only files which have the following attributes:
example, for the following list only 1 and 2 are identified to keep:
You can use regular expression to find file names which meet your criteria and then cellfun
to find indexes of those file names in tmpList
tmpList = struct2table(dir('myFolder')); % your beginning
filteredTmpList = regexpi(tmpList.name(:), '^dte\d{6,8}\.xlsx?$', 'match');
finalList = tmpList(~cellfun('isempty',filteredTmpList), :);