I'd like to convert the following PATH into a UNC path in Ruby.
A UNC path requires that you know the name of the server and share, neither of which are present in your path, unless you're looking for something like:
If this is what you want:
def File.to_unc( path, server="localhost", share=nil )
parts = path.split(File::SEPARATOR)
parts.shift while parts.first.empty?
if share
parts.unshift share
# Assumes the drive will always be a single letter up front
parts[0] = "#{parts[0][0,1]}$"
parts.unshift server
puts File.to_unc( "C:/Users/bla/bla2/asdf-ut-script.js" )
#=> \\localhost\C$\Users\bla\bla2\asdf-ut-script.js
puts File.to_unc( "C:/Users/bla/bla2/asdf-ut-script.js", 'filepile' )
#=> \\filepile\C$\Users\bla\bla2\asdf-ut-script.js
puts File.to_unc( "/bla/bla2/asdf-ut-script.js", 'filepile', 'HOME' )
#=> \\filepile\HOME\bla\bla2\asdf-ut-script.js