in my case i am trying to emit an event with data from one child of the parent to another child of the same parent. basically between siblings.
the code looks like
Child A
@Output() makeIsrCall = new EventEmitter<LeadModel>()
Parent .html
<app-isr-call-toolbar *ngIf="core.isrCallInProgress == true" [data]="isrContact"></app-isr-call-toolbar>
<app-edit-opty-workarea [objId]="" [objType]="tb.objectType" (makeIsrCall)="makeCall($event)"></app-edit-opty-workarea>
this.isrContact = lead
Child B .ts
@Input() data:any
constructor(private core:CoreStructureService) {
console.log('called construct for isr component')
alert( //this comes undefined
The constructor is looong done before the data arrives
Either use ngOnChanges
lifecycle callback
@Input() data:any
constructor(private core:CoreStructureService) {
console.log('called construct for isr component')
ngOnChanges() {
alert( //this comes undefined
or make data
a setter
@Input() set data(value:any) {
this._data = value;
alert(this._data) //this comes undefined
constructor(private core:CoreStructureService) {
console.log('called construct for isr component')