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Rails OAuth: Can't get refresh token from microsoft office 365 rest api

I'm trying to figure out how to get the refresh token from an office365 user with omniauth.

In my devise.rb file I have tried two different ways but to no avail:

config.omniauth :microsoft_office365, ENV['OFFICE365_APP_ID'], ENV['OFFICE365_SECRET'],
                  access_type: 'offline',
                  scope: ''

config.omniauth :microsoft_office365, ENV['OFFICE365_APP_ID'], ENV['OFFICE365_SECRET'],
                  scope: ', offline_access'

Am I doing something wrong here?


  • It turns out the offline_access scope needn't be defined in devise.rb. All you have to do is add the scope in the Microsoft Application Registration Portal.

    For me, the microsoft_office365 config line in devise.rb now looks like this:

      config.omniauth :microsoft_office365, ENV['OFFICE365_APP_ID'], ENV['OFFICE365_SECRET'],
                      scope: ''