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NSDecimalNumber usage for precision with currency in Swift

I've read a lot that NSDecimalNumber is the best format to use when using currency.

However, I'm still getting floating point issues.

For example.

let a: NSDecimalNumber = 0.07 //0.07000000000000003
let b: NSDecimalNumber = 7.dividing(by: 100) //0.06999999999999999

I know I could use Decimal and b would be what I'm expecting:

let b: Decimal = 7 / 100 //0.07

I'm using Core Data in my app. So I'm stuck with NSDecimalNumber. Unless I want convert a lot of NSDecimalNumbers to Decimals.

Can someone help me get 0.07?


  • The problem is that you’re effectively doing floating point math (with the problems it has faithfully capturing fractional decimal values in a Double) and creating a Decimal (or NSDecimalNumber) from the Double value that already has introduced this discrepancy. Instead, you want to create your Decimal values before doing your division (or before having a fractional Double value, even if a literal).

    So, the following is equivalent to your example, whereby it is building a Double representation (with the limitations that entails) of 0.07, and you end up with a value that is not exactly 0.07:

    let value = Decimal(7.0 / 100.0)                                // or NSDecimalNumber(value: 7.0 / 100.0)

    Whereas this does not suffer this problem because we are dividing a decimal 7 by a decimal 100:

    let value = Decimal(7) / Decimal(100)                           // or NSDecimalNumber(value: 7).dividing(by: 100) 

    Or, other ways to create 0.07 value but avoiding Double in the process include using strings:

    let value = Decimal(string: "0.07")                             // or NSDecimalNumber(string: "0.07")

    Or specifying the mantissa/significant and exponent:

    let value = Decimal(sign: .plus, exponent: -2, significand: 7)  // or NSDecimalNumber(mantissa: 7, exponent: -2, isNegative: false)

    Bottom line, avoid Double representations entirely when using Decimal (or NSDecimalNumber), and you won't suffer the problem you described.